The Venitien laguna                    the laguna's map

The islands of :
San Michele, Murano, Torcello et Burano

  Overall map

île de San Michele

After a few days of walking in Venice we experience a long trip by Vaporetto and can then enjoy the laguna


We take the motoscafo line 52 at piazzale Roma or Ferrovia. 

We leave the Canal grande to the Cannareggio Canal.

After getting under the three-arch bridge, we reach the laguna. Have a look at the secluded house on the right of the opening ‘Sacca della Misericordia’. It’s the haunted house 
‘Casino degli Spiriti’. You can see it only from the laguna.

Get off at ‘Fondamente Nove’ in front of San Michele Island. Take the motonave (two-level vaporetto) to Torcello.

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